pronounced: big-non-ee-AY-see-eye
Bignoniaceae are mostly found in the tropics, mainly in South America. Most species are woody, and many of them are climbers. Some are grown for their timber, and some as ornamentals and street trees. The leaves are nearly always opposite or whorled and are most commonly pinnately compound or more-than-once compound. There are no stipules. There are often tendrils used for climbing. The flowers are bisexual. The synsepalous calyx usually has 5 teeth or lobes; the sympetalous corolla also usually has 5 teeth or lobes and is sometimes 2-lipped. There are 4 stamens. A nectary disk is usually found round the base of the ovary. The fruit is usually a capsule with winged seeds, or sometimes indehiscent with wingless seeds.