
Russian comfrey flowers




pronounced: bor-ah-jin-AY-see-eye

the comfrey family


Most members of the family have stems, leaves and inflorescences covered in rough hairs. The leaves are generally alternate, simple and entire, without stipules. The flowers are borne in a characteristic coiled inflorescence known as a crozier, the lower flowers opening first. There are 5 sepals, either free or joined at the base, and a 5-lobed corolla. The flowers are usually bisexual, although sometimes the female flowers are on separate plants. There are 5 stamens attached to the corolla. The flower colour is frequently blue, although other colours are possible. The ovary is superior, and the fruit is either 4 nutlets or a drupe. Many members of the family are used medicinally.


Photograph by en:Sannse, via Wikimedia Commons